1969 - Dr. Siegfried Kessemeier, Münster

*20.11.1930 in Oeventrop near Arnsberg in the Sauerland. Grew up there. Studied history, German, philosophy and journalism in Munich and Münster. Doctorate (Dr. phil.). Initially freelance journalist and press archivist. 1970 – 1972 Editor of the magazine “Westfalenspiegel”. 1972 – 1978 Museum advisor for Westphalia and managing director of the Association of Westphalian Museums. 1978 -1995 Head of the Department of Regional History and Graphic Arts at the Westphalian Regional Museum of Art and Cultural History, Münster. Numerous exhibitions and catalogue publications. Since the 1960s, he has been known for his poems in the dialect of his hometown. Won national attention with them. Attempted a connection to experimental and concrete poetry and to jazz. Lives in Münster.

Other awards:
Klaus-Groth-Preis 1975 der Stiftung F.V.S. zu Hamburg.

Gloipe inner dör. Gedichte in sauerländischer Mundart. Mit Grafiken von Jörg Drühl. Leer 1971

Zur Rundfunkarbeit
Siegfried Kessemeier: Hörspiele – auch in Platt. In: Westfalenspiegel 1970, H.12, S. 29-30.